

Happy Marriage Workshop

Welcome to the Happy Marriage Workshop Checklist!

Enjoy this free resource as you take important steps to transform your marriage from deep frustration to deep satisfaction!

But don't stop there when the entire course is available.  For less than the cost of 2 counseling sessions and far less than the cost of divorce, the Dream Marriage Master Class will give you the tools you need to transform your relationship!


Rod Hairston, MA

What People Are Saying:

“Win report. I got a text from my wife this weekend stating, ‘I think we are in love’. We are looking at each other noticeably different as a result of Dream Marriage.”

Javelin & Dr. K.

“I can already see the shifts happening in our marriage. Dream Marriage is empowering us to discuss areas that we once felt were untouchable."

Tim & Angie

“Growth is happening! Dream Marriage is teaching us!”

Declan & Simonette